
来源:    发布时间: 2024-03-07 15:37   49 次浏览   大小:  16px  14px  12px


Electronic sports, or e-sports in short, is not just a hobby anymore. It is a billion-dollar


Electronic sports, or e-sports in short, is not just a hobby anymore. It is a billion-dollar industry. As the gaming industry continues to grow, so does the interest in e-sports. People from all over the world are now tuning in to watch e-sports online. This has led to a rise in foreign nationals who are commenting on e-sports videos online. In this article, we will take a look at what these foreigners have to say about e-sports videos.

Excitement and thrill

One thing that stands out in the comments of foreign nationals is the excitement and thrill of watching e-sports videos. Many of them comment on how they feel like they are watching a real sports game. They appreciate the hard work and dedication that players put into winning a game. They are also amazed by the skill level of players.

Culture shock

Foreign nationals also express their surprise at the e-sports culture. They are amazed by the huge crowds that gather to watch e-sports events. Some of them even compare it to watching a rock concert. They are also surprised by the amount of money that e-sports players can earn. This is because e-sports is not as widely recognized in some countries as it is in others.

Language barriers

The language barrier is also a concern for some foreign nationals. Some of them comment on how difficult it is to follow the game due to language barriers. This is especially true for those who are watching a video that is in a language that they don't understand. However, most of them still enjoy watching the game due to the excitement and thrill of it all.

Admiration for players

Foreign nationals also express their admiration for e-sports players. They are amazed by the skill level of players and the amount of effort they put into their training. Some of them even compare e-sports players to professional athletes. They also appreciate the teamwork involved in e-sports and how players work together to win a game.

Criticism for the industry

While most foreign nationals enjoy watching e-sports videos, there are some who express their criticism for the industry. Some of them believe that e-sports is not a real sport and therefore should not be given the same recognition as traditional sports. Others criticize the amount of money that is involved in e-sports and believe that it should be used for more important causes.


Foreign nationals have different opinions and reactions when it comes to e-sports videos. However, most of them appreciate the excitement and thrill that comes with watching the game. They also admire the skill level of players and the teamwork involved. While there are some who criticize the industry, it is clear that e-sports is a growing and popular industry that will continue to attract viewers from all over the world.